Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Michael Jackson's Driller

Back in the eighties, two things were popular, Michael Jackson and the prospect of drilling for oil in the United States. America at the time, did not realize there was no need for either. Back then the area best suited to destroy was an unwanted region in Alaska. After several rounds of "Pin the Tail on the Eskimo", all discussions came to a halt when no one could say for certain which region in Alaska was wanted.
Since then, not much has changed. Michael Jackson continues to molest children and we as a nation still want to put huge holes in our landscape. One thing has changed however, with the continued rising prices, a gallon of gas is now called "Jesus Juice".
Now in the 2000's, the term "off shore drilling" is being tossed about like pizza dough at Pappa John's!. As if to imply that ripping up our nation will go undetected if . . . it's off in the distance. And furthermore, the idea that this will somehow solve the gas price crunch that we face today, is as likely as a black man becoming president.
What can we do as a nation to solve the seemingly unyielding rise of the price of fuel? Use less of it. Next question. It's Ockham's razor. Sometimes the simplest solution is the solution. Americans, however, hate simple solutions. We like to complicate things. Take the Civil War for example, slavery was wrong and eventually everybody recognized that fact. By American standards, "eventually" meant the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives, but hey, that's how we roll.
I like that we get our oil from the middle east, it gives that region a sense of purpose to me. Let's face it, if it wasn't for the oil, we could just rope the area off and use it for nuclear weapons testing. I'd like to add that if they don't stop fucking about down there, maybe that option should be on the table.
If you were to describe me as some one who loves America and hates the middle east. you would be right. I cannot embrace that culture. It's something about strapping a bomb to your ass and blowing up innocent women and children that, I don't know, just sort of puts me off. Once during a heated discussion with a Muslim, he brought up the point that not all Muslims are religious extremists. He said,"I didn't have anything to do with 911." I replied, "I didn't have anything to with slavery, but I still have to hear about it in line at the check cashing place". Welcome to the party, pal!
I'm completely against drilling for oil in America. To those who are in favor of un-ambering our waves of grain while simultaneously unfruiting our fruited plains, I offer this, the bicycle. Get on a bicycle and ride around any neighborhood in your town. As you cruise along you'll notice the crack dealers, the whores, the street gangs and the homeless. And, if you're like me, you'll ask, "Why would anyone want to fuck this up?"

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